Saving regularly will help you:
- Manage your money
- Cope with unexpected expenses and emergencies
- Afford things you need in the future
- Borrow less
- Ease financial stress
- Earn interest on your money
It’s a good idea to save for events you know are coming up in the short-term, like holidays or Christmas. This means you will have some money put aside when the time comes. Saving for the short-term allows you to access your money at short notice and keeping your money safe. However this type of saving will earn very little interest if any at all!
Medium to long term saving usually involves some investing; this will help your money grow so you can afford something in the future, for example your children’s education or your retirement. You may just simply want to make the most from your money. Most investments involve an element of risk, but over the long term it may give you a better return than savings. It’s important that you understand this risk and return on your investments.
This is where Rockcourt can help. Investors will differ in the level of risk that they are willing to take on in order to achieve greater returns – some people will want to be completely sure they will get back all of their original investment, others will be more comfortable with taking on different levels of risk.
We will only make suggestions once we have identified your:
- Duration of Investment
- Attitude to Risk / Reward
- Investment Experience
- Tax Situation
- Income Needs
As there are hundreds of options to choose from, in order to narrow down the options we may offer, please complete our Investment Questionnaire to find out where you stand in terms of risk attitude and experience.